Anastrozole For Bodybuilding

Anastrozole for bodybuilding purposes is a very popular medication. In fact, you might have heard that bodybuilders are bulking up whilst using cancer drugs and that’s actually true.

Anastrozole is the cancer drug that you may have heard of and the compound is very widely used in the world of bodybuilding.

This compound is medically used for treatment of breast cancer but bodybuilders and athletes using anabolic steroids are also using Anastrozole concomitantly with their steroids to reduce the side effects that may appear by using those steroids. That’s all because this compound is working in one single way – to lower the estrogen levels in the body.

Buy Anastrozole Here


Anastrozole and Steroids

Is a well known fact that bodybuilders who are using anabolic and androgenic steroids for physique and performance enhancement purposes are experiencing a range of different symptoms during their journey of increasing muscle mass, gaining strength and improving athletic performance.

While the anabolic steroids for bodybuilders are extremely helpful for such needs, it is important to know that they are associated with some negative side effects and some of the worst and most common ones are estrogen related side effects.

  • For example, one very common and considered one of the ugliest side effects among bodybuilders is the fact that men might start growing breasts (known as gynecomastia) as a result of too high estrogen levels.

To explain it easier – anabolic steroids are boosting the levels of hormones, primarily – testosterone. But testosterone is converted into estrogen in our bodies through the process of aromatization.

If you continue running anabolic steroids, the levels of hormones and especially testosterone continues to grow. However, so does the level of estrogen too because the more testosterone in the body – the more it converts into estrogen.

Arimidex For Lowering Steroids’ Side Effects

Arimidex – Anastrozole is lowering the estrogen levels and that’s why it is so helpful at preventing males from growing breasts as well as getting any other estrogenic related side effects. Some high estrogen related issues include:

  • Water retention gains
  • Bloating
  • Fat gains
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular negative effects
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low libido and energy levels

There are also many other symptoms that may occur as a result of untreated high estrogen levels in males.


Nonetheless, on the other hand, Anastrozole for bodybuilding is having its own set of side effects. That’s because higher doses of Anastrozole would suppress too much estrogens and without any estrogens at all, men still suffers from various symptoms such as:

  • Insomnia
  • No libido
  • Decreases in energy levels
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscles and strength
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Negative effects on cholesterol

There are others that can be mentioned.

Anastrozole for bodybuilding is meant to prevent or control some side effects of steroids. That’s why it is used in a way to keep estrogen levels within normal range. That’s why it is important to run Anastrozole in proper doses.

Arimidex Administration For Bodybuilding

Dosages of Anastrozole for bodybuilding are very different, they can be as low as 0.5 mg every 3-4 days to as much as 1 mg per day. Most bodybuilders find 0.5 mg every other day or daily the best dose.

The dosage is steroid dose dependent. The more aromatizable steroids you use – the more estrogens increase and thereby, the more Anastrozole you need.


Keep in mind that although Anastrozole is mostly sold as Arimidex, it can be found as many other brand names too. Regardless of the brand – is important to make sure you get Anastrozole of the best quality.

This is the actual substance that helps bodybuilders to treat or prevent a range of different side effects – all associated with estrogen.

In the end, Anastrozole for bodybuilding is extremely helpful at preventing gynecomastia in males that run anabolic steroids as well as many other estrogen related issues.

Side Notes About Anastrozole

You need to know that not all steroids are converted into estrogen. There are aromatizable steroids (also known as wet steroids) that convert into estrogen, but there are also non aromatizable steroids (also known as dry steroids) that do not convert into estrogen.

If you run only dry steroids – you don’t need estrogenic protection such as Anastrozole.

But it is not very recommended to run dry steroids only taken in consideration that testosterone is extremely important for most cycles and testosterone does convert into estrogen (as well as nandrolones, boldenones, Dianabolmethandienone and many others).

Generally, DHT derived steroids are considered dry such as Stanozolol, Oxandrolone, Methenolone and others.


Buy Anastrozole Here

In the end, as you can notice, Anastrozole for bodybuilding is extremely important and no wonder it is so widely used. Here at we’re offering the best quality Anastrozole for the best price you can find online.

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