
Finasteride Uses

Finasteride that is most commonly sold as brand names Propecia or Proscar (as well as others) is an orally active medication. It comes as tablets that are medically used for treating male pattern hair loss as well as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in men, most commonly.

Finasteride is a 5alpha-reductase inhibitor and therefore is considered an antiandrogen. That’s because the compound is working by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Therefore, the compound has been proven to decrease DHT levels by about 70% and up to about 90% in the prostate.

With all of this being said, Finasteride uses are all related to reduced DHT levels and its antiandrogen properties.


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Medical Finasteride Uses

As earlier mentioned, Finasteride is mostly used for treating symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate. As well as for treating male pattern hair loss (known as androgenic alopecia) in men.

That’s why the compound is mostly known as 2 different brands:

  1. Proscar, which is FDA approved for BPH treatment, coming as tablets of 5 mg of Finasteride. Because that’s the daily amount of the compound recommended to men with BPH.
  2. Propecia, which is FDA approved for the treatment of male pattern baldness, coming as tablets of 1 mg of Finasteride. Because that’s the daily amount of the compound recommended to men suffering from hair loss.

So, Proscar is given for BPH and enlarged prostate as Finasteride can help improve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty urinating, decreased urinary flow, and many others.

On the other hand, Propecia is great for offering improvement in hair loss. It has been proven that about 80% of men using Finasteride do not further lose their hair. And about 30% of men using Finasteride are getting improvements.


But other than these 2 popular medical Finasteride use, there are others such as prostate cancer.

Sometimes, males over 55 years old are given Finasteride to decrease the low grade prostate cancer.

Other than that, Finasteride can be used for excessive hair growth on the face and/ or body in women. That’s why, in some very rare situations, Finasteride can be given to women to deal with this condition.

Lastly, in medical settings, Finasteride can be used as a part of Transgender Hormone Therapy, usually stacked with estrogen products. The compound is used for transgender women in a combination with a form of estrogen to help with the transition from a male to a female due to its antiandrogen effects.

Finasteride Uses in Bodybuilding

This product in bodybuilding settings (among people who are running anabolic steroids) is having only one use: to prevent hair loss during the use of anabolic steroids.

Therefore, Finasteride is known as a hair loss prevention in the bodybuilding world.

That’s why the product is mostly used as Propecia brand (tablets of 1 mg of Finasteride). Or 5 mg split in smaller doses or used less often than once a day.

Finasteride Administration

The dosage and cycle length of Finasteride for medical use is determined by the doctor. When talking about Finasteride for preventing hair loss during the use of steroids, usually that’s 1 mg per day for as long as you plan to run a steroids cycle.

Why Use Finasteride During Steroid Cycle?

As mentioned, Finasteride lowers the total level of DHT hormone. This hormone is the “enemy” for your head hair follicles. The more of this hormone – the more likely you are going to get hair loss.

  • Now, anabolic steroids are increasing testosterone, which leads to more conversion into DHT. Or there are some steroids that both boost testosterone and directly increase DHT levels. Such steroids are DHT derived ones like Winstrol, Anadrol, Proviron, etc.


In whatever the case, you end up with higher DHT levels. Too high levels are shrinking hair follicles causing hair loss. That’s why is considered that all anabolic and androgenic steroids are speeding up hair loss. Especially if you are prone to them. There are also some steroids (like DHT derived ones) that are doing so more than others.

In the end, men prone to hair loss are using Finasteride during their anabolic steroid cycles to keep their existing hair and avoid further loss.

Finasteride Side Effects

If you are planning to run Finasteride for preventing hair loss during the use of steroids, it is highly important to remember that the compound may offer side effects. Is considered that adverse effects from Finasteride are rare, nonetheless, they are still present.

  • The most common related side effects of Finasteride are those related to negative effects on sexual health. It may lead to impotence, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction (inability to get or/ and maintain an erection), and others. But there are other side effects too such as depression, breast enlargement (gynecomastia), and others.

PROSCAR-finasterideBe sure to use Finasteride properly!!! Because some side effects may not disappear for a long time even when stopping its use.

Also, be sure to get the best quality Finasteride if you want to get the best results and keep the lowest possible side effects.

Here at, you can buy Finasteride for sale at the lowest price and best quality product.

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