
Testosterone Decanoate

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Testosterone Decanoate is one of the many esterified forms of testosterone and is a long form of the testosterone as it offers a long half life after administration. This is actually an androgen and anabolic steroid and a testosterone ester, a potent long acting injectable male synthetic hormone.

What is Testosterone Decanoate?

Testosterone Decanoate is one of the many esterified forms of testosterone and is a long form of the testosterone as it offers a long half life after administration. This is actually an androgen and anabolic steroid and a testosterone ester, a potent long acting injectable male synthetic hormone.

Testosterone Decanoate on its own is not very famous due to availability of other forms of testosterone, however now you have the chance to get it.

  • This specific esterified testosterone is better known as one of the components found in the famous Testosterone Blend – Sustanon 250 alongside with Testosterone Propionate, Phenylpropionate and Isocaproate. Those who wish can find the Testosterone Blend on this website.

Testosterone Decanoate is second longest acting form of testosterone after Testosterone Undecanoate. As with any other form of testosterone, the only difference between them is in the half life (the release time of the hormone after it got administered).

Testosterone Decanoate Half Life

As said, Testosterone Decanoate has a very long half life (long acting injectable testosterone based steroid) – second longest acting out of all other esterified testosterones after Testosterone Undecanoate.

So, if you want a long acting testosterone, longer than Cypionate, but shorter than Undecanoate, then Decanoate is perfect for your needs.

  • That’s because the half life of Testosterone Decanoate is thought to be around 2 weeks (15 days).

What is Testosterone Decanoate Used For?

Pretty much as any other form of testosterone, this one with Decanoate attached ester can be used in various medical uses, mainly for men suffering from hypogonadism – low testosterone levels. It can be used in many other medical needs, however, this specific form of testosterone is not very widely used. That’s only because of the availability of other forms.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be beneficial. The same applies for bodybuilding purposes for physique and performance enhancement. Testosterone Decanoate might not be as widely used as other forms of testosterone but it doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be effective.

  • In the end, you would still receive testosterone and this would offer huge results. Testosterone Decanaote can be used alone for such needs, but is mainly being used as a part of Testosterone Blend, sold as brand Sustanon 250 including many other generic trade names.

Yet, in the end, you still receive the hormone testosterone that is super helpful for growing muscles, increasing strength levels, losing body fat, getting an overall much better physical appearance including lots of other benefits since you increase total levels of testosterone.

Testosterone Decanoate Cycle & Dosage

Testosterone Decanoate is used in the exact same dosage as any other form of testosterone and due to its very long half life, you could easily administer it once a week. This means that using it on the same day of the week would be enough to maintain stable blood levels. Some people use it even rarer – once every 2 weeks, but there are chances you may get some fluctuations.

It being administered as all others via syringe since this is oil solution meant to be administered intramuscularly. The total weekly dosage is used. The dosage is anywhere between 250 mg and up to 1500 mg. Lower range doses are used as a booster while higher range doses are used by aggressive bulkers and professionals.

  • Most doses for most men for physique and performance enhancement fall in the range of 400 and 700 mg per week. Cycle length with this long based testosterone is quite longer too – up to about 16 weeks, but normally 12-14 weeks.

It can be used in both cutting and bulking, but since is long form is mainly used for bulking. It can be stacked with any steroid of your choice, but which exactly depends on what you’re searching for. It could be Deca, Equipoise, Dianabol, Trenbolone, Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol or many others.

Testosterone Decanoate Side Effects

Side effects of Testosterone Decanoate are absolutely no different from any other form of testosterone because regardless of how fast the hormone is released in your system, you still receive the same compound. Testosterone compounds are usually well tolerated by most men, but getting side effects is a sign that you have too much levels of testosterone in your body and therefore, is a sign that you have used too much of synthetic testosterone.

That’s why, usually, reducing the dosage would reduce the negative side effects too. Make sure to use the compound properly and you won’t get negative side effects that are too bothersome. Yet, getting side effects is still very possible and they go as:

  • Estrogenic side effects: water retention, hypertension, gynecomastia and others.
  • Androgenic side effects: aggression, male pattern hair loss, acne and others.
  • Testosterone suppression meaning your body won’t produce it naturally
  • Might affect your cholesterol and cardiovascular health including others.

Make sure to use the compound properly for not getting these side effects and add supplements/ medicine which may help reduce them.

Where to Buy Testosterone Decanoate?

Testosterone Decanoate by itself is not as easy to find, but now you have the chance to get it from the source which you can find here. You are guaranteed to get the highest quality Testosterone and you can get it for the lowest price either ensuring you save money compared to other sources.


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