
Clomiphene Side Effects

Clomiphene is the active substance in the medication better known as Clomid. The full name is Clomiphene Citrate. Although this compound is mostly used by women as a fertility medication, the fact that you’re here reading this article indicates that you’re wondering what Clomiphene side effects are for men who need it for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) needs.

  • If you’re prescribed this compound for a medical condition, your doctor would explain best the side effects of Clomiphene Citrate.

However, since your doctor won’t help you with Clomid PCT (not even when talking about its side effects) you can find more information here.

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Clomiphene-Citrate-Ice-Pharmaceuticals-2-e1543926367693Introducing Clomid – Clomiphene Citrate

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a part of SERM family medication and this is a medication that most people are capable of tolerating very well. Nonetheless, keep in mind that this still remains a medication and exactly as with any other – side effects are possible. Reduced risks of side effects doesn’t mean absolutely side effects free.

On the other hand, Clomiphene side effects shouldn’t scare you into not using it as a PCT medication after a cycle. Post Cycle Therapy is extremely important for everyone who uses steroids and that’s because PCT is meant to deal with possible side effects.

Therefore, Clomiphene side effects risks are way lower compared to risks of you stopping the use of steroids without PCT.

That’s because anabolic steroids are having a wreak havoc effect on your hormonal balance and they suppress production of testosterone. If you stop without PCT (and Clomid is by far one of the most popular and most effective medication for PCT) low testosterone condition symptoms are very possible to occur and they can be very nasty, leading to the exact opposite of what you were aiming for during the cycle.

Plus you simply throw away your money used during the cycle as there’s a high chance you would lose those gains without PCT.

Clomid – Clomiphene Citrate is not a steroidal drug and is a medication used by anabolic steroid users to lessen and completely eliminate the common steroid side effects (rarely during the cycle, most commonly after cycle as PCT).


Possible Clomiphene Citrate Side Effects

Clomid is a strong SERM and some of the most serious and main side effects that can occur during the use of it include mood swings and vision issues.

  • Whilst vision issues appear only to about 1-2 % of people running it, it is still possible. Most commonly, vision changes disappear after discontinuance of Clomiphene Citrate, but in rare instances, it may be persistent.
  • A lot of bodybuilders and steroid users are feeling “emotional” on high doses of Clomiphene Citrate. That’s why they are getting mood swings, irritability, depression, and feeling “girly” with PMS.

In most cases, reducing the dosage would reduce the Clomiphene side effects, including vision issues, or feeling depressed and “bitchy”.

That’s why Clomiphene Citrate side effects are highly dose dependent. That’s why it is so important to run a proper dosage of this drug to avoid the Clomid side effects.

  • NOTE! Clomiphene side effects for women might be different from those of men requiring it for PCT needs.

Except for the earlier mentioned side effects, you may also notice acne, reported by those who need Clomid PCT – genetic dependent, can be avoided/ controlled/ reduced with an anti acne cream. It may be responsible for tenderness of the pectoral muscles too. In case prostate cancer is already present, it may accelerate its growth, Clomiphene-Side-Effects-for-men which is why it is not recommended to people with prostate cancer.


Some other Clomiphene side effects that were not earlier mentioned but are still possible include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Hot flashes
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Breast discomfort

As mentioned, Clomiphene side effects are not as bad, especially when used properly – making them almost non-existent.

Clomid for PCT is made to deal with side effects, not offer you new ones. That’s why with a proper use, you would be happy with this product. But if you do get side effects with a proper use, it is due to genetic factors and personal response and in this case you are most likely going to need another PCT alternative (such as Tamoxifen CitrateNolvadex).

Clomed-50mg-balkan-new-label-Rebranding-e1554901663287In order to avoid the Clomid side effects, it is recommended to buy the best quality Clomiphene Citrate as lower quality ones may increase the chances, profoundness and the number of side effects.

Here at you can buy the best quality Clomid for sale ensuring the 99%+ purity and lowest price for this compound you can find on the market!

Buy Clomiphene Citrate Here

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