Aromasin PCT

Aromasin is the brand of active substance Exemestane (which can be found as other brands) and is an orally active (coming as tablets) medicine that is classified as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) exactly as Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femara (Letrozole).

All products known as AIs are known to help prevent the process of aromatization since these compounds are binding to the aromatase enzymes. Testosterone and other testosterone derived steroids are converted into estrogen in the body through the process of aromatization.

Aromasin-Dragon-PharmaWhen they are used in larger amounts and/ or for longer periods of time, there’s a high chance of increased estrogen levels (over normal) because too much of those hormones were converted into estrogen.

When AIs like Aromasin (Exemestane) are added during the cycle of steroids – the process of aromatization is inhibited and therefore, estrogen is controlled.

  • Therefore, AIs are seen as anti estrogen drugs by bodybuilders, they help people to prevent common estrogenic related side effects.

Buy Aromasin Here

Explaining PCT

Before we continue explaining Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), is important for you to know that anti estrogen drugs are formed up of AIs as well as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) such as Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)

They are all dealing with estrogen related issues, but there are huge difference in how they deal with them and mechanism of action (whilst AIs binds to aromatase enzymes and lowers total estrogen levels, SERMs are selectively binding to some estrogen receptors and in some parts of the body working as antagonist of those receptors and in others, as agonist).

Generally, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is formed of SERMs. Either one of them, or both (Clomid and Nolvadex).

Some people also use HCG or natural / OTC compounds too, but these 2 SERMs are by far most popular for PCT protocols for steroid users.

Nonetheless, some people add AIs in their PCT plans and out of 3 popular AIs – Aromasin (Exemestane) seems to be most popular and best product for PCT needs, despite the fact that generally, AIs (even including Aromasin) are rarely used for PCT plans.

Aromasin PCT For Men

Aromasin has the same principle of working and that’s why it is effective for PCT plans as well.

The compound is capable of reducing estrogen in the body by as much as about 85%.

  • The biggest benefit of Aromasin during PCT is that it permanently disables aromatase enzymes, unlike other AIs.

That’s a great advantage because it eliminates the risks of estrogen rebound from occurring. If estrogen is too high (during cycle, or as rebound or whatever other situations) you are likely to get side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, high blood pressure, bloating and others.

  • Another advantage of Aromasin PCT is that this compound lowers SHBG.

That’s very good as it allows more testosterone to circulate in the body and that’s exactly what is needed by a man who needs PCT.


Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is the protocol meant for an anabolic steroid user to recover back the hormonal balance and body’s ability to produce testosterone naturally on its own after the course of steroids that usually wreak havoc on hormonal system and suppresses natural testosterone production.

Drugs earlier mentioned are usually used for boosting the testosterone levels and allowing for a faster recovery, including Aromasin that helps with PCT. It lowers estrogen levels, therefore less estrogen signals your pituitary gland to stop stimulating testicles to produce testosterone.

In short, less estrogen = more testosterone. And that’s exactly what AromasinExemestane does.

But because Aromasin PCT is not going to be as effective at boosting testosterone levels as other compounds like SERMs, they are usually used in combination together. Both because they boost testosterone (SERMs are better than Aromasin) and because they prevent gynecomastia (Aromasin is better than SERMs).

In addition to that, as mentioned, with Aromasin PCT you do not have any risks of estrogen rebound and as with any other AIs, you also have no bloating either.

Nonetheless, during Aromasin PCT (and as mentioned, usually combined with SERMs) you need to watch out for some possible drawbacks and side effects.


Aromasin (Exemestane) is a powerful inhibitor of estrogen. If you don’t use it correctly, you may run into dangerously low levels of estrogen.

Without enough levels of estrogen, you may experience: muscle fatigue and weakness, overall fatigue and weakness, tiredness, affected immune system, low levels of energy and endurance, inability to gain muscles and strength, no sex drive and libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, nausea, headaches including decrease of bone and joint health (as well as pains) and others.

Aromasin PCT Dosage

As mentioned, Aromasin PCT is usually going either with Clomid or Nolvadex or a combination of all 3 concomitantly during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol. Is very rarely or never Aromasin PCT solo.

Usually PCT starts when all steroids are flushed out of system (check their half lives) and PCT plans are anywhere between 3-8 weeks depending on severity and harshness of anabolic steroid cycle. Most common PCT plan lasts 4 weeks.

  • The ExemestaneAromasin dosage for PCT also depends on the steroid cycle that you ran, but most commonly, dosages are anywhere between 12.5 mg every other day, 25 mg every other day or maximum (but extremely rarely, especially for PCT needs) – 25 mg every day.

HB-Exemestane-250-Aromasin-e1541148841749Buy Aromasin Here

In the end, it is important to remember that Aromasin dosage for PCT (and its cycle length) depends on the steroid cycle harshness.

Buy Aromasin for PCT or for on-cycle estrogenic protection needs from and you are guaranteed the best quality and purity of Exemestane for the cheapest price!

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